Fresh Presence

If we are in conceptual intelligence, we are not enlightened.
October 8, 2012, 3:12 pm
Filed under: Awareness, Fresh Present Wakefullness, impermanence, wakefullness | Tags: ,

It is the direct experience of the recognition of our real, non conceptual, innate wakefulness that is the knowing of one that is the knowing of all. This is not intellectual or there is no benefit.

The recognition comes from our ordinary awareness unclouded by thoughts and concepts.

It is available to us always if not obscured from our view.

We have only to recognize our mind’s nature and remain undistracted which is effortless.

Instead we put our effort into what is out there, while the wish fulfilling jewel is the recognition of our own non dual…thought free…wakeful presence right here.

We live in great abundance but are separated from it by our limited perception. What an irony.

If we want to recognize it we can. It is not OK not to. There is no greater error we can make.

All we have to do, is to recognize our larger real nature by letting go of our small false nature-“I, me, my, mine” .